Hello! I have a few questions regarding the project I’m currently working on (I’ve browsed threads on the forum, sorry if these issues have already been discussed; in that case, a link to the threads would be sufficient).
- I added tabs to the listing view using:
function( $menu ) {
$menu['items']['opinie'] = [
'label' => 'Opinie',
'url' => 'custom url here',
'_order' => 123,
return $menu;
How can I create pages for these tabs where specific listing attributes will be visible?
- Is it possible to somehow synchronize attribute values from the vendor’s panel with the values of attributes in “Add Listing”? (The seller adds attributes in their panel, and when they click “Add Listing,” the fields are automatically filled, and vice versa.)
- Can I somehow place forms to change vendor data on different pages? For example, I created vendor attributes: education, price. I would like to change education in a form at:
and change the price at:domain.com/page2