Auto Email For "Request Received"

I currently have manual approval for new requests from users. I see under Experthive’s emails that the “Request Received” email event goes to Vendors, not people posting a job request. Shouldn’t this be sent to the user not Vendors (experts)? I’d like to send an email stating that we are receiving your request and will reply within 24 hours.


Please note that the email shown in the screenshot is used for private requests. And the user receives another email called Request Approved (after confirmation of the request).

​I hope this is helpful to you.

What do you mean by a private request? So is there an email automation for when people list a task/job request?


If you enable the Allow sending personal requests feature in HivePress > Settings > Requests, then after you create a personalized requisition for a vendor, a Request Received email will be sent to them. If by automation you mean adding a new event email, it is possible, but it will require custom implementation, please check this topic Adding a new email event

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