I am wondering if you can make css or php snippet for changing search by categories tab to button, not radio button selection.
To be precise, when clicked, to automatically show listings from that category.
I am wondering if you can make css or php snippet for changing search by categories tab to button, not radio button selection.
To be precise, when clicked, to automatically show listings from that category.
Unfortunately, there is no simple solution for this, it will require a custom implementation. But we plan to add an Ajax feature for automatic search in future updates.
I hope this is helpful to you.
One more quick question please.
How can I enable featured listings to be on top of categories.
Example: I click that HOUSE listing is featured and I want it to be on top of Real Estate category.
How can that be enabled?
This feature is already available in the HivePress extension, you can mark a listing as featured in Listings > edit listings. Also, you can configure this feature in HivePress > Settings > Listings. If you have chosen 6 slots for featured listings, then you will always have 6 random listings at the top, they will change after each page refresh and for each page number switch. They also have an even distribution of views.
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