Booking button for featured listings only


I would like to ask whether is it possible to do that. So I want to allow only the featured listings to have a booking/reservation button but. Are there any methods/snippet to prevent booking or hide the button from the “normal listings”. Or any ways how to do that?

Thank you for the reply.

Good day!
Here is a code snippet to show the booking block in features listing pages.

add_filter('hivepress/v1/templates/listing_view_page/blocks', function ($blocks, $template) {
	$listing = $template->get_context('listing');

	if (!$listing || $listing->get_featured()) {
		return $blocks;

	hivepress()->template->fetch_blocks($blocks, ['booking_make_form']);

	return $blocks;
}, 1000, 2);
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Thank you for the reply!

Sorry but I cannot try at this moment because I don’t have bookings plugin yet. If it works 100% I will buy the addon.

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Yes, the code snippet above removes the booking form if the listing is not featured.

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