Booking Cancelation emails to admin/manager too

how can we add or have booking cancelation emails to also sent to admin (or assigned backend users like store managers) to review, so the website support can look over the booking cancelations and confirm the refunded amount from the seller follows the site policy and if the seller didn’t, we will see so and refund the remaining required amount per the site policy.


Unfortunately, there’s no such feature, it would require a custom implementation. Emails are sent only to the vendor and the user.

But thanks for your suggestion, we’ll consider adding this feature.

Can you share a PHP filter that can send an email copy or bcc to a custom set email address for the hivepress booking cancelation emails ( similar to this for woocommerce emails functions - Adding a second email address to a completed order in WooCommerce - WordPress Development Stack Exchange )

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I highly recommend setting this up on the email service side, e.g. if you use GMail for domains then you can create a filter that will forward the email or send a copy if the email subject matches some pattern Create rules to filter your emails - Gmail Help

the rule filters doesn’t work in gsuite/gmail for Sent emails (when you attempt a rule for sent emails, google gives a notice saying it won’t work for sent emails).
For exchange, outlook exe, and have a bit more flexibility pending on which email service it is, but the sent rule filter won’t work on emails that have been sent to a @gmail address, while others it does.

if you can provide to the community a PHP filter that can send an email copy or better with bcc to a custom set email address for the hivepress booking cancelation emails.
thank you


If you’re familiar with coding, please try using this hook wp_mail | Hook | WordPress Developer Resources

Hi, can you provide the community a PHP filter (for PHP snippet plugin) that will implement to send an email copy to a custom set email address for the Hivepress booking cancelation emails?


Sorry for the inconvenience, but customization is beyond our support scope - it includes fixing bugs and guidance about the available features Support Policy | HivePress

If you are not familiar with coding please consider hiring someone for custom work

Here’s a temporary solution (works for bookings canceled by vendors only, you can copy the snippet for the booking_cancel_user hook to also get notifications for user cancellations)