Bookings 1.4.9

  • Added category-specific booking attributes
    It’s now possible to make attributes specific to the listing categories.
  • Fixed required timezone issue
    Listings didn’t validate with “per vendor” mode and timezones enabled.
  • Fixed current date with timezones
    With timezones, the current date wasn’t correctly detected in the date picker.
  • Fixed overflowing time slots
    The last time slot (for non-standard durations) overflowed the max booking time.
  • Fixed booking form redirect
    It’s not based on URL parameters now, which resolves permalink issues.
  • Fixed required price extras
    There was no back-end check for required extras, only the front-end styling.
  • Fixed loading JS dependencies
    Now JS dependencies are always up-to-date with npm.
  • Fixed translatable strings
    Some strings were not wrapped with the translation function.


We have a prevision for creation of the function for the user make the review after to use reservation? Or, a function to sent a e-mail to the user after him confirm that the reservation was good, for make a review?

Yes, if you also use Marketplace please restrict reviews to buyers only in HivePress/Settings/Orders. The review reminder email notification is planned for the next Reviews update.

You said that the next booking plugin update will be on Monday. I understand that there is a delay. do you have expectations?

Sorry for the delay, currently updates are pretty unpredictable since any urgent bug report shifts a queue of 16 extensions and HivePress itself. We plan to release it this week for sure.

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