Business user get a payment plan

I was wondering:
I am working on a classified site free for users, but I want that business users / advertisers pay for there ads.
I started by making a listing attribute, to make a question: “Is this business advertisement”. If yes, then i want to offer a payment plan. Normal users should not get such an offer.
Is that possible?


To do this, we recommend considering the Paid Listings extension: HivePress Paid Listings – WordPress plugin |

Thank you for your fast respons Andrii,
I had already installed the paid listing extension, and now have installed and configured woocommerce too.
But as I’ve read here:
How to implement subscription conditions based on registration parameters with paid listings?
Ihor wrote:

Is this a solution if I want to skip the select package page for normal users? And not for business users?


Unfortunately, there is no such feature, as the Paid Listings extension works only for vendors.

Oooh! I did not understand how this is working! So only as vendor marked users do see these packages! That is helpfull! Thank you.

Is it possible to mark a user as vendor (and create a vendor) when they set a listing attribute:
“Business user or private user?”

  • private user
  • business user


In our extension, everyone registers through one form. However, users become vendors only when they have at least one published listing (or the direct registration for vendors feature is enabled).

Hmm, again, I did not understand how this was working.
So every user that offers something on the site will be a vendor.
That is a bit of a disappointment :unamused:

I was hoping that it would be possible to make one difference between commercial vendors and private vendors. To be able to offer a package depending on this type of user.

Is there something smart to do here, to achieve something like this? Maybe when I’m a paid customer?


You can divide vendors into commercial and private using vendor categories. Similarly, you can restrict a specific package to a listing category. All other options will require custom implementation, as we do not have two different roles for vendors, but only one role.

Thank you.
It would have been nice if you could restrict packages to specific category of vendors.
Maybe some custom work in future then.

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