Calendar Block Dates

Two questions about features with the calendars!

  1. Is there a way to implement it into where the host creates the listing initially so they can set the days they want it to be available when first creating the listing, and not having to go back into the dashboard to set availabilities?? I am having a hard time explaining this to hosts, and think it would be easier if they do it while in the process of creating the listing.
  2. Is there an easy way to block all the dates and only unlock the dates that they want available?? This would help avoid the hosts having to block days way in the future and also people booking dates that aren’t available yet. My hosts have seasonal bookings that are only available for a few months of the year, and don’t want to have to manually go through each month of the year blocking dates.
    Thank you in advance!

Hi Zack,

Unfortunately there are no such features in the current version, but these make sense for the upcoming updates. Currently all the dates are available in the calendar and hosts can make specific dates unavailable, it doesn’t work vice versa yet.

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I noticed on a few other threads that yall have the “block all dates and select which dates you want available” option in the roadmap. Any eta on when this will come out?? I have an event/trip booking site so this feature in necessary for me to launch. Thanks in advance!

Yes, the current ETA for this feature is 2 weeks or less.

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Is this feature launching soon? Thank you for your hard work!

Yes, it’s scheduled for the next Bookings update, we’ll try to release it as soon as possible (it should be available this week).

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Is this bookings update coming out soon??

Yes, we didn’t include this feature in the recent update because it’s much more complex than expected, it requires reverting the block/unblock functionality (to allow vendors to mark the available slots and dates instead of blocking them like it works now), we’ll add it to the next update.

Okay, When is that update expected?? That feature is holding me from launching. It is necessary for my event booking site.

The current ETA is 1 week, this feature is almost ready - it requires a code review and testing.

Okay, thank you.

Just checking in again on the release of this feature??

Sorry for the inconvenience, after researching this further it appears that this feature requires inverting all the availability management logic currently implemented in Bookings, it will most likely be postponed.

If this works for you, we can try to estimate the required functionality that may work in your specific case, what if we add a new Available Dates field to the listing form where hosts will be able to select multiple dates (specific days, not date ranges), and only these dates will be available for booking.

This would work if there are not too many available dates per listing and they will fit in a single field, this would also resolve the “define availability during adding listing” issue that you mentioned (the feature we planned for Bookings this would be implemented in a different way, in the calendar by inverting the Block/Unblock buttons purpose). If this works for you please send the requirements to

Sorry for the confusion, we’re in the process of scaling our team so the ETAs for new features may be pretty unpredictable.

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