I have a question about the license
I believe this license prohibits use on multiple sites. For example, let’s say you used a license on a site called AAA.com.
If I subsequently deactivate the plugin on AAA.com, can I use the license key on BBB.com?
Is there a problem if the plugin is not activated on two sites at the same time?
I would like to test it on AAA.com and publish it to users on BBB.com
My English ability is very low, so I may have caused a misunderstanding. I’m sorry
Sorry, I might be thinking the wrong thing.
For example, after deleting a key on CCC.com, move the key to DDD.com. After that, is it possible to delete the DDD.com key and transfer the license key to CCC.com?
Of course, it’s okay if you can’t use the site while the key is deleted.
Yes, you can delete a link from your old site and add it to a new site without any additional steps. Please note that the license will work only on one site.