Can I use SPECTRA plugin

Question :

  1. Can I use SPECTRA: a WORDPRESS EXTENSION for GUTENBERG since it uses the same codes?

  2. I want to use CLAIMS listing for a specific category only and not the others in order to charge for this listing, how can I do this?
    I didn’t see any difference with the other listings, like more options than the others.
    Then, I want to put a URL for only these companies and their phone numbers.
    Without using code snippets please.

  1. Es-ce-que je peux utiliser SPECTRA : une EXTENSION WORDPRESS pour GUTENBERG puisqu’il utilise les mêmes codes ?

  2. Je veux utiliser CLAIMS listing pour une catégorie précise seulement et pas les autres afin de faire payer cette liste, comment faire ?
    je n’ai pas vu de différence avec les autres listes comme des options en plus que les autres.
    Ensuite, je veux mettre une URL pour uniquement ces entreprises et leurs numéros de téléphone.
    Sans utiliser de code snippets s’il te plait.


  1. Unfortunately, we are unfamiliar with this plugin, so we can’t give you more details. But please note that we cannot guarantee 100% compatibility with third-party plugins, so you may need to do some additional customization or integration.

  2. ​Please send more details about this question, and we will do our best to help you.

P.S. Please post in English (e.g., via Google Translate); this way, questions/answers may also be helpful for others.

Hi andrii,

  1. I understand your warnings, I just wanted to put a compatible extension from guntenberg to have options simply.

  2. I have 4 categories
    I wanted only businesses to claim their listings with the purchase of their ads, and I wanted to put their URLs of their external sites, simply phone for them only, to incentivize buying their logical ads.

Because I know that if I add the URLs, social network links, for all some people will come and take advantage to make their Ads for their own, social networks, website, phone without paying.
please andrii

Sorry, I forgot the translation


  1. Still, we are unfamiliar with this plugin, so we recommend contacting their support or documentation.

  2. Please provide more detailed information, do you need to restrict the claim to categories?
    Listings have different URLs, so you can easily share them on social media.


yes ok thank you! I know you knew it they are simply WordPress Gutenberg extensions.

no exactly, I want to limit paid list claims only for companies that buy their list claims alone, in order to add URL attributes of their companies and their contact numbers.

Disallow all other categories, such as sellers, from putting their URLs.
I’m not talking about social media sharing link, I’m url attributes and categories limitations, unless I’m explaining myself wrong? thanking you for your response.


Unfortunately, there is no such function to distinguish between vendors by type and not allow claims, so you need a custom implementation.

Hi Andrew,

yes, thanks for answer, i searched and you are right, no solution for this!, i will just add my url attributes and phone started like this! then see the customization later, I will surely take another premium theme.
Speaking of which, a client is just waiting to see my site running and he asked me if I could make him a car sales site, I had seen that you offer a car rental theme before? did you stop this premium theme or did you market it more? Anyway.

Thank you, keep up the good work

We didn’t have a car sales theme before but we have some tutorials for creating a car dealer or rental website for ListingHive and RentalHive themes, depending on the required functionality you can use one of these themes.

Ok, thank you for this explanation.

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