Can't change the Orders template in the account

Hi, I’m trying to make all the pages in the account menu options to visually match. I have changed the templates in the Listings and Settings, but I am not able find where to do this.
Working template -
Can’t change this - Sign In – Event Supplier Network
I realise it is part of the Woocommerce account pages, but I am unable to find where to edit this. Ideally it would be good to be able to incorporate the hivepress account pages into the woocommerce account pages Sign In – Event Supplier Network, as I am able to create the look in there that works. Please can you help point me in the right direction so I can match all the account pages.


Let me know if you’re familiar with coding, if so then the easiest way to override the common layout for these pages is via the hivepress/v1/templates/user_account_page hook. This template defines the base layout for all the account pages.

If you want to customize templates via the UI, then some WooCommerce-side customizations are needed, I’m not sure if they allow customizing the Orders page via the UI. I recommend checking their docs in this case.

Hope this helps

Thanks. I managed to work it out to get the same hero image across the site using CSS.