Change "Apply Now" Button "Contact"

Hi - Is there a way to change the text “Apply” in Apply Button to “Contact” or similar? I really appreciate any help you can provide.


Please provide more details about the key you are referring to and we will try to help. Also, please check this doc How to change any static text - HivePress Help Center

apply now

Thank you! This button that says Apply but really is a button to open a message. I am wanting to change the text within it to say " contact" or message". Thanks again!


You can change this text using the Loco Translate plugin, please check this doc How to translate JobHive - HivePress Help Center

Thank you - I tried… Do you know what field it is?


Please provide more details at what stage you are having difficulties, and we will try to help. Also, please review this doc How to change any static text - HivePress Help Center, which describes how to fix translation issues in more detail.

Hi - I’ve done the translation and have the list of attributes but I have searched for “Apply” and there is not attribute by that name. Do you know what the attribute’s name is in the list of attributes?


Please note that all built-in attributes can only be changed using the Loco Translate plugin.

Thank you so much… I got there in the end! I am now thinking of going a different way and hiding the apply now button all together. Would you have a CSS snippet to do that?


The easiest option is to simply disable the Messages extension in WP Dashboard > Plugins.

Thank you!!!

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