Change price label in booking confirm form


I have added tax (transaction fees) on my website. Everything works well and the right amount is added to the total.

The problem is that in the /make-booking/details/ which is the next step when people click on Book Now, it’s the total only that is displaying with the tax. Because of that, people are a bit surprised and they don’t understand why the price is different.

Would it be possible to breakdown the price and display the price without tax and the tax separately?

Alternatively, can I change the text displayed “Price” to “Price with tax” to make it easier to understand why the price increased?

Thank you!


Unfortunately there’s no easy way to customize the total price in this form because it fetches the amount from the same source (it pre-adds the booking product to cart and fetches its total).

In that case, is it possible to change the text from “price” to “price with tax”?


Please use the Loco Translate plugin, you can check this doc How to change any static text - HivePress Help Center

Ok thank you but how can I change the text only in the page /make-booking/details/ ? I already saw the video but I couldn’t figure out how to do it.

I would appreciate a short step by step guide to do it cause this is very important for my business.

Thank you in advance!


It’s possible to use the PHP snippet; please check the sample on this topic:

​I hope this is helpful to you.

Hi Andrii,

Yes, I think I can use a PHP snippet but I didn’t find in the video how to change text.

I want to change the text “Price” to “Price including tax and transaction fees” in this form: is available for purchase - (see also screenshot).

I would really appreciate if you can give me the code to do that.

Thank you!

If you’re familiar with coding basics, please try using the hivepress/v1/forms/listing_update filter hook. This way you can override any field parameters (e.g. “label” parameter of the price field). Here’s a sample Change the description field order in the listing edit form #hivepress #listings · GitHub

Hope this helps.

Hello Ihor,

I tried the following code but it didn’t work. Can you check where I made a mistake?

	function( $form ) {
		$form['fields']['field--text']['label'] = 'PRICE + TAX & TRANSACTION FEES';

		return $form;

Thank you!


Please use this PHP snippet:

	function( $form ) {
		$form['fields']['_price']['label'] = 'PRICE + TAX & TRANSACTION FEES';

		return $form;

I believe this will be useful to you.

It’s perfect, thank you very much!

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