Change text for Price Low and High Filters

How do we change the text (or arrow symbols) for the price filters? The arrows are very confusing and I want to make it say something like Price (High) and Price (Low)


Regarding the text, you can change it using the Loco Translate plugin, please check these docs: How to translate an extension - HivePress Help Center, How to change any static text - HivePress Help Center

Where is it in Loco plugin translations, I could not find it. @andrii


You can find this text in Loco Translate > Plugins > HivePress Marketplace How to translate an extension - HivePress Help Center

Do you know what the source text would be? It is not clear


The name of this text is Price, you can find it in Loco Translate > Plugins > HivePress Marketplace.

Hey @andrii , on my end I cannot find any standalone price text in hivepress marketplace

still hoping for support @ihor @andrii

in locotranslate under plugins / hivepress marketplace there is no price filter high or low to change


Please follow all recommendations as specified in this document: How to change any static text - HivePress Help Center

Also, please note that we respond within 24 hours, excluding weekends Support Policy | HivePress

Sure but you are missing the issue. Your previous answer was incorrect/unclear. I am asking what the two source texts are in loco translate for the price low and high filters? I want to change the arrow icons @andrii


I see. In the Marketplace, you can change only the word Price itself, but there is no such possibility to change the lable itself, it will require a PHP snippet.

@andrii I thought this would be the case. Are you able to share the PHP snippet and provide a full solution? I know I am not the only person having this issue (Where is the file that describes Price "↑↓"? - #4 by JPJP)


If you are familiar with coding or have a developer, we can provide general guidance. Try using the hivepress/v1/forms/listing_sort hook, and there you can change the options parameter in the _sort field.