Change the blank background behind the form page and the information of the page

Hi everyone,

I was finishing my website with hivepress when my client asked me to change the blank background behind the form page to another color, or more an image.

Is it possible to also change the name of the page (today is named “Blog”) and SEO information? How?

Thank you in advance for your help,


Please send a screenshot of the page where you need to change the text and background and we will try to help.

Hi Andrii,

Here’s the page :

Thank you in advance


As for the background, it is possible, but it will require CSS tweaks. Regarding information, if you mean listing attributes, you can add them using this doc: How to add listing attributes - HivePress Help Center
If you need to change the text, please use this doc: How to change any static text - HivePress Help Center

Hi Andrii,

I’m looking for the CSS code to change the background of the submit listing page: Se connecter | BAGAJI


Sorry for the inconvenience, but customization is beyond our support scope - it includes fixing bugs and guidance about the available features Support Policy | HivePress.

If customizations are required for your site, please try customizing it using the collection of code snippets Search · user:hivepress · GitHub and other developer resources, or consider hiring someone for custom work

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