Change the reply-to email sender in listing messages

We’re using the Hivepress Messages extension with the rentalhive theme.

When a user sends a message to a host, the host receives the email in their email client inbox. If the host clicks “reply” in their email client, the email is sent back to the site admin because that’s where the email was sent “from”.

Is there a way to change the “reply-to” header in the email? Or make it so that if the user clicks reply in their email that it goes to the sender instead of the site admin?

I already have a message in the email template with these instructions, but that’s not a great user experience and many users don’t read the message. They just expect to be able to respond to the message like a normal email.


Yes, it is possible, but it will require a custom implementation using this hook hivepress/v1/emails/message_send Filter: hivepress/v1/emails/{email_name} | HivePress Hook Reference

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