Change the social links position (order) on the single listing page


Can you help me understand how this snippet code works :

Indeed, I tried to get inspiration from the code present in this discussion topic :

…but it wasn’t enough.

The social links extension is very well done, but the order in which the various links appear doesn’t follow any logic. So I’d like to customize the organization of the links (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok - Google play, App store - Pinterest, Etsy - …), to make reading the links more fluid for the site visitor.


Change the social links position (order) on the single listing page #hivepress #social-links · GitHub - This snippet changes the order of the social links block on the listing view page.

To change the order of a single button, you need to use this hivepress/v1/social_links hook and swap what you need in the filtered array.

​I hope this is helpful to you.