Changing "Reply to Listing" button at Listing Page

I’m on the Expert Hive theme and want to change the button at every Listing Pages Reply to Listing to WhatsApp link and text
Is there a way to do it?

Please use Loco Translate to change any static text without code customizations How to translate HivePress - HivePress Help Center The texts are located in Loco Translate/Plugins/HivePress, or other sections depending on context. Make sure to select the Custom location instead of Author while adding a language file.

How do I change the Button?
At the moment when I click on the Reply to Listing button it sends a message.

I want to change instead to Whatsapp Link
Can please guide

If you don’t need the message functionality, please disable HivePress Messages and add a custom Phone attribute instead (in Listings/Attributes), you can set a custom display format for it, to display it as a Whatsapp button.

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