Changing the theme on the main page does not work

Good afternoon, I’ve run into a problem. When setting up the main page, I go to the settings of the main page - Static page - example pages, the site is reworking, what could be the problem.

Please describe the issue in detail, do you mean changing the theme just for the Home page? Any details like a screenshot or a step-by-step instruction to reproduce this issue may help.

после этого как публикую сайт перестает рабоать

after that, as I publish the site stops working

If the Listings page doesn’t show any listings, make sure that at last 1 listing is published in WordPress/Listings section.

Unfortunately we will not be able to provide support further due to the website subject & location, this may cause issues with our store. You can still use HivePress since it’s open-source and listed on repository, but we can’t provide any support regarding your website issues in this case. Thanks for understanding.

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