Claim Listing Process going wrong

I tested claiming a listing (set it as free).

I did this a few times and therefore there were several claims in the pending in the back end.

I deleted them from the backend. did not approve them.

I then went back into the dummy account and saw within my ‘account’ that I had three orders… aka the 3 free claimed listings. I pressed ‘complete my order’ on one as I wasn’t sure what this meant? As I have claim listings under manually approve.

It completed it. I tried deleted other orders to tidy up the dummy ‘account’. It deleted the listing?

That is not right is it! Being able to delete listings when your claim hasn’t been approved. I worked on this dummy listing all from an incognito window.

(Also are there notification emails to set up somewhere to say there are new claims or new users, new vendors, new listings etc?)


Most likely, you have created a free claim and selected a WooCommerce product that has a price of 0, and for free claims, you do not need to create a product and link it. Please provide more details on how you want to use this extension, and we will try to help.

Ahh ok.

So I do have it on manual approve, does charging zero for claims override this and enable them to just complete it?

So in Hive Press Settings> Claims - I do have a WooCommerce Product assigned that is on sale to zero (currently) but having manual approve on I thought the admin still got to approve and they couldn’t just complete the order themselves.

The reasoning behind connecting the woo commerce was that I want to be able to offer free claims currently, whilst the site is getting populated and I thought the best way to let people know that this product will become chargeable at some point in the future was to offer it as a sale price £0 for now.

If this is not the best route, perhaps I can put this as text within the claim box what the future price will be…

Is there a snippet to amend this box as I need to put placeholder text perhaps to suggest this and also what they need to provide to claim it.

Maybe fields like;

  • Full Name
  • Business Email
  • Business Phone
  • Verified Social Media
  • Upload Proof of Business like Letterhead/Bill

Are there snippets for that?

I am open to suggestions in how to make this work and receive guidance of the solution available.

Many thanks


Unfortunately, we can’t provide ready-made custom code because this is a custom development. We can only provide support for existing features and general recommendations on them: Support Policy | HivePress

Yes, if the product is linked for free, it will still redirect to the checkout form, and then an order will be created. If this order does not receive the completed status, then it will not be transferred to the user who made this claim. If you do not link the product, then the claim will be just a request form, without going to the checkout form.

Thank you.

I wasn’t asking for custom code to be made, rather if you know of a snippet code that is already created in GitHub that I could utilise to achieve the suggestion in some way?

A snippet for some simple placeholder text in the claim box?

As then I will be able to unlink it from the woocommerce product as I am explaining it is free for a limited time etc.


Unfortunately, there is no simple code for this, it will require a custom implementation.

Ok I asked the question, because I found this video of yours and thought the code may be in GitHub. I just didn’t know what name to look for it under:

So what I did was to copy that link from that video, follow the instructions in how to find the name of the form and the name of the field I wanted to amend and gave some instructions to chatgpt and I got this code snippet. Appears to work fantastic on the front end:

Here is the code I used and the before and after…


    function ( $form ) {
        // Add the "subject" field
        $form['fields']['subject'] = [
            'label'      => 'Subject',
            'type'       => 'text',
            'min_length' => 5,
            'max_length' => 100,
            '_order'     => 10,

        // Add the "Full Name" field
        $form['fields']['full_name'] = [
            'label'      => 'Full Name',
            'type'       => 'text',
            'required'   => true, // Set required if needed
            '_order'     => 20,

        // Add the "Business Email" field
        $form['fields']['business_email'] = [
            'label'      => 'Business Email',
            'type'       => 'email',
            'required'   => true, // Set required if needed
            '_order'     => 30,

        // Add the "Business Phone" field
        $form['fields']['business_phone'] = [
            'label'      => 'Business Phone',
            'type'       => 'tel',
            '_order'     => 40,

        // Add the "Verified Social Media Link" field
        $form['fields']['social_media_link'] = [
            'label'      => 'Verified Social Media Link',
            'type'       => 'url',
            '_order'     => 50,

        // Add the "Upload Proof of Business" field
        $form['fields']['proof_of_business'] = [
            'label'      => 'Upload Proof of Business',
            'type'       => 'file',
            'extensions' => ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'pdf'], // Allowed file types
            '_order'     => 60,

        // Customize the "details" field (formerly "text") with a placeholder and character limit
        if ( isset( $form['fields']['details'] ) ) {
            $form['fields']['details']['max_length'] = 500; // Set a character limit for the details field
            $form['fields']['details']['placeholder'] = 'Special Limited Offer - Claim Your Listing for FREE! (RRP £5) .';

        return $form;

However, it doesn’t work on the back end just yet.

As the full information doesn’t yet reach my email.

However, the functionality appears to exist as it emails the information from the details box, just fine. I just need the info from the new fields.

Are you able to provide that existing code within your system, of emailing data from all of the fields?


Unfortunately, we can’t help with fixing custom code, as it’s out of our support scope. We still recommend that you consider hiring experts: Experts | HivePress

Ok the custom code doesn’t need fixing - the code is working great!

I was asking how you get the information from the fields that is then emailed?
That is a current feature in the set up of the current site and works great for the current fields.

Can you cannot give me where to find that existing code that you have already have in the database for the ‘details’ field for example, within the form and how that information is contained therein to be emailed?

As your own video: from the 2min 58 seconds mark explains just that. (i.e where to find some fields). Which enabled me to create the fields above, which like I say, no custom code is being requested here. I have already created the code following Hivepress guidance.

Just wanted to be pointed to (like in your video above) where the information already exists in your current configuration…

Failing this, the workaround will have to be:
Delete the extra fields created and simply amend the ‘placeholder text in the details field’ (that I have successfully created following your video above as guidance) with the information requested and after receiving that information, I can if necessary follow up with an email to their business email/ business phone number provided asking them to return a proof document.

I would love to know how others are processing their listing claims to ensure the right businesses are getting full author role of the listing?

Many thanks :slight_smile:


If you need examples of snippets, please see these links:

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