Claim Listings extension flow

Hi guys,
I’m several questions about extensions and hope you can resolve its.

  1. I dont understand at all, what is the exact goal of the claim listings extension. Is an “afiliates” way to earn money? Could you show me an example, please?
  2. Whats the difference between to install the marketplace extension and to install woocommerce plugin? My goal is to earn money with comissions.

Thanks a lot


  1. It’s a monetization model used by websites like Yelp or TripAdvisor. For example, if you own a restaurant they add your restaurant listing - it gets some traffic & customer questions, so if you’re interested in keeping the listing details up-to-date (e.g. the menu) and being able to reply to customer messages, you can claim a listing by paying a fee. Once the claim is approved you are set as the author of this listing automatically so you can edit it, reply to messages etc.

  2. The Marketplace implements a different monetization model, it adds the Buy Now button and a price to every listing. It uses WooCommerce plugin for payments (so both must be installed). All payments are sent to the site owner first, then vendors can request a payout for their website account balance.

Thanks for your time ihor

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How does claim listing work?
i am about to make a listing for my vendors. how do the claim their listing. any ressource that i can read for that?
thank you


Please check this topic. Also, you can check our docs: Claim Listings - HivePress Help Center