Company attributes not showing up


I have removed the Company attributes that were set within the demo content and now have added a new one. The title of the attribute is showing (Type of Organization), however, the options I set for it are not showing up within the Company descriptor. They show up as options to choose when setting up a new company (I made it required and that didn’t make a difference), but the result does not show up as a descriptor on the company page (ex: I set a company, Vituity, and chose Healthcare system as the Type of Organization for that attribute and that is not showing when you see the company listed on the Companies page. Please advise.

Thank you very much for your help.


You need to change the Display area in the attribute’s settings.

Please check this doc on how to set up attributes and Display area in particular: How to add listing attributes - HivePress Help Center

Hope it helps.

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Thank you! I was able to revise the settings in the company attribute to have it show up based on the Display Areas settings. Here’s what I did in case anyone else needs help with this question:


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