Confused by the region features

I have Hivepress installed including Geolocation and I enabled Regions. I can see Regions under Listing in WP admin dashboard but I am not sure how to use it…Can someone explain what is the benefit of this feature? I was under the impression that user will be able to filter by regions once I enable it but it doesn’t seem to be the case?



Please check this doc to get a better idea of how everything works How to set up regions - HivePress Help Center

I have read that doc but I am still not clear how it works. When I add a new listing I see the region shows in WP dashboard, but how do I use it in the UI? I dont see it anywhere in the UI. Do you have a link to a page where that’s implemented or a screenshot?

Region links are not used in the front-end UI, but each region has it’s own unique URL (also indexed by search engines). Please try clicking View on any region in Listings/Regions. You can use these URLs on landing pages or for any other purpose.

Hi Ihor,

Thanks for your response! I now see a region page for all the regions I created. Is there a way to programmatically get the list of regions that were generated so I can automatically display that on my home page or on a separate region page?

Yes, there’s no such block in our theme yet but you can check if there are plugins that add blocks for custom taxonomies, region is a custom “hp_listing_region” taxonomy and it’s detected by WordPress.

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