Connecting the Post Views Counter plugin

add_filter( 'hivepress/v1/templates/listing_view_page', function( $template ) {
	return hivepress()->helper-> merge_trees( $template, [
		'blocks' => [
			'page_content' => [
				'blocks' => [
					'listing_details_primary' => [
						'blocks' => [
							'listing_created_post_views' => [
								'type'   => 'part',
								'path'   => 'listing/view/listing-created-post-views',
								'_order' => 25,
		], ] );
	}, 1000

I hope it is useful to someone

I specified this in the child theme


​Please send more details about your question, and we will do our best to help you.

Андрей здравствуйте.

Это не вопрос, это часть кода для счетчика просмотров объявлений. Может кому пригодится.

Hello Andrii.

This is not a question, it is part of the code for the ad view counter. Maybe it will be useful to someone.

// Exit if accessed directly.
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
<span class="hp-listing__created-post-views hp-listing__post-views">
	<?php printf( 'Просмотров: %s', pvc_get_post_views() ); ?>

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