Creating the account on the last step of adding listing

Hi there! Guys, hope you are doing well!

I am asking to move the registration (auth) step to the last one when a user creates a listing. It is very important to some of the project’s conception, so will be glad to see that moment customizable in the next update!

P.s. If someone could help me to do it, DM me (Telegram: Contact @emilgadzhiyev)!

Hi Emil,
Thanks, we’ll consider adding this feature. It may be possible in the current version, but this would definitely require advanced customizations, currently the Add Listing page creates an auto-draft of a listing for each user and it must be linked to some user.


Any news about this feature?

Sorry, there’s no ETA for it yet, but we’ll try to simplify the listing process as soon as possible.

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This is definitely a good idea. I can imagine some users who see the registration page first might decide to just abandon everything, but if they have already invested the time to create the listing, they might be less likely to abandon at registration