.CSV Not Updating In Listing Data


I have added columns to the .csv file with data corresponding to each listing. The column names are, “hp_monday_from” “hp_monday_to”…“hp_sunday_from” “hp_sunday_to”

Upon attempting to upload through the Import Listings feature, I encounter the field “Opening Hours (Optional)” However, for this field I can only select One Column, I am unable to select all columns

Furthermore, when attempting to upload by an individual column, “hp_monday_from” for that field, upon upload the data is not updated in the listing. (Please note the values tried as entries in that column have been the following: ex. “28800” (value in seconds), “11:00” (Excel recognizes as, 11:00:00 AM), “23:00” (Excel recognizes as, 11:00:00 PM), and “12:00PM”

Attached is a Screenshot of the drop down list for Opening Hours, showing how only one column from the csv is selectable



Thanks for the details. Yes, unfortunately Opening Hours are not supported for importing at the moment, but we plan to add support for it. Repeatable field types like Opening Hours, Price Extras, Price Tiers etc. can’t be mapped to CSV columns yet.

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