Customer able to checkout booking without paying for listing

Bug Report: I was able to book a listing without paying for it. Start a booking process, continue to checkout, go to cart, remove the listing from cart, add a random other product, pay at checkout. It will now create a booking for the listing and mark it as paid.

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Thanks for reporting this, the bug is confirmed and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. As a temporary solution, I recommend disabling the cart feature, or simply deleting the cart page, as it is currently not supported by us.

Hi Andrii,
Do you have a code snippet I can use to fix this on my end?


As I wrote in my last post, the only temporary solution is to make the Cart page private or simply delete it.

Am I also selling a ”normal” digital product. This way I wouldn’t allow any user to remove something from the cart that they added by accident. How can I offer a customer to cancel?

Is there a way to clear the session data of cart and booking “cart”? Can I automatically trash that booking draft if no checkout was completed within x min?


We plan to release an update to fix this bug by the beginning of next month.

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I had a lot of customizations done to the plugin. How do I best go about updating the plugin? Is it possible to implement this change with a snippet as soon as the update is available?

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Please note that if you have directly made customizations to the theme or extension files, unfortunately, we cannot help with this, as we only provide support for existing features and bugs. If you have made these changes directly, I recommend that you move them to external snippets or a child theme before the update, please check this doc How to add custom code snippets - HivePress Help Center. Because updates from our side will automatically overwrite all your changes if they are internal.

Is there any way that I can find documentation of the code changes of the next update?


If you need to keep these customizations long-term, the best option is to move them to snippets and child themes. Please note that we cannot help you with information on what exactly has been changed and where in each extension, you need to do this yourself using our GitHub - hivepress/hivepress: A simple yet powerful plugin to create a business directory, job board, real estate, classified ads, or basically any type of directory website.. As for the premium extensions, there is no public GitHub, so you need to check the file with any checker. Therefore, we do not recommend changing the files of our products directly.

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@germario @andrii hi hivepress had alot extension,
what exactly this bug talking about?, only about “booking” extension, buildin checkout page or related with marketplace woocommerce cart/checkout page,
or whole hivepress flow?? because i am only using woocommerce cart/checkout page,
is this bug affected and impact to me, i mean need to private/disable cart even i am not using booking extension??


If you do not have the Bookings extension, you will not have this bug. But, we do not support cart yet, so you can disable it.

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