Customise Listing Category Block


I have categories and sub categories for my listings.

For example, I have:

  • Japan as a main category and Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka as sub categories.
  • I have South Korea as a main category and Seoul as a sub category.

In my homepage, I would like to display the category block with specific categories, for example Tokyo, Kyoto and Seoul. As they are not under the same category, I’m not able to do it.

Can you help?


Thank you,



Please clarify whether you have resolved this issue, as your homepage shows these categories.

No I didn’t. As I explained, I can only show the sub-categories of the same parent category (Japan for example).

What I would like to do is to mix and display specific categories that are not under the same parent category.


I see. Unfortunately, this feature is not available in this version. You can add this in different blocks, for example, one block with one row of categories and another block with another block of categories. All other options will require custom implementation.

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