Customization of the implementation

For a website we are finalising (, we wanted to ask a quote for fine tuning the following functional specs:

Person - creates account + upload CV >>> stays as ‘draft’ until vetted by SaaSili:

  • Vetting = approved >>> status = ‘published/listed’

  • Vetting = not approved >>> status = ‘draft’

  • Company name not shown on searches

  • When a company creates an account >>> they need to ‘accept’ terms & conditions

What’s visible:

  • People - only see jobs - not other candidates

  • Companies - only see applications - do not see all candidates - only see profile/cv of the applicant

  • Everybody (even without logging in) can see jobs (company name never shown - even to logged-in users)

  • Members (candidates) need a Candidate Account to apply

  • Companies need a Listing Account to post jobs

Can you support us? Please contact me at


You can send your proposal via this link, and we will estimate the implementation Request a Quote

Actually, we had already filled in the form, and got no reply.

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