Customizing vendor images and query arguments

hi thanks for your plugin, but iam facing many problem & struggling to customize,
because its seems does not use wp standart hooks/filters
and there is also fews documentation about…
so i have many question actually,
first about hivepreess widget listing does not support wp avatar
how to add support get_avatar( )
in vendor/view/block/vendor-image
without modify inside plugin directly,
hivepress request plugin is good for example…

'request_user'               => [
	'type'     => 'template',
	'template' => 'user_view_block',
	'_label'   => hivepress()->translator->get_string( 'user' ),
	'_order'   => 30,

second question in github about:
hi how to limit user post created by date daily/weekly “created_date__between” or “created_date__in” ??

many thanks…
and many question/customization suggestion after this

Please send more details about these issues, do you mean showing vendor image inside the listing block? If you mean the vendor block, it shows the default placeholder image if there’s no custom image. You can show the WordPress avatar if you customize the vendor image file via a child theme (the template part you mentioned).

Regarding the listing query, currently there’s no “between” operator support for dates in our API, but you can always use a fallback for the WP_Query, via $query->set_args($args) you can provide the WP_Query args for dates WP_Query – Class |

Hope this helps.

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