Daily prices not working with time slots

Hi there,

When adding Daily Prices in the Listing Attributes, I have selected two items with two different daily prices for specific days.

The Price attribute must be entered, therefore I have entered the minimum hourly rate of £262.50 (please see below).

Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday = £2100 (hourly rate £262.50 x min. 8 hours = total)
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday = £2340 (hourly rate £292.50 x min. 8 hours = total)

However, when a User selects the dates on the Listing page, it does not change price to represent the specific days, instead it stays on hourly rate of £262.50 for all days and does not change to total daily prices on any of the days, nor when the other specific days quoted above are selected.

The Booking intervals by minutes is 480 (8 hours minimum booking time) - this is the same for all other Listings currently.

I have attached screenshots below and please follow the website link to test what is described above - The Shoreditch Loft - Cloudvenues®

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Sam


Yes, unfortunately, this feature does not work with time slots, but we plan to add it in the next updates. Thanks for your suggestion!

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