Deceptive pages error detected by Google

1 issue detected

Google has detected harmful content on some of your site’s pages. We recommend that you remove it as soon as possible. Until then, browsers such as Google Chrome will display a warning when users visit or download certain files from your site.

Deceptive pages


These pages attempt to trick users into doing something dangerous, such as installing unwanted software or revealing personal information. Learn more

Sample URLs


As you can see Google is claiming there is an error yet not giving details such as url etc, anyone else seen this issue and any idea as to how to troublesoot and rectify it?


This seems to be related to the website content, not functionality, please make sure that your website is not hacked (in this case some malicious download links may be included on the front-end) and that the pages content is not “spammy” (e.g. requesting to download something, misleading users with semi-hidden download links, etc).

Google should also provide more details regarding these notices, e.g. the exact page URLs where this issue is detected.

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