Decimal price 5,75 doesn't work


I have a problem with setting the decimals of the price.

I tested this code as an additional code snippet, but it doesn’t work:

function( $form ) {
if ( isset( $form['fields']['price'] ) ) {
$form['fields']['price']['type'] = 'number';
$form['fields']['price']['min_value'] = 0;
$form['fields']['price']['decimals'] = 0;

return $form;

Maybe one of you has an idea how to solve this?



Yes, this is the expected behavior because your PHP snippet disallows decimals.

P.S. If you purchased a theme or extension, please enter the license key in the forum profile settings, this will enable the Premium Support badge and ensure a 24-hour turnaround time.


I use the free version - ListingHive. Because the map wasn’t loading. Today I see that it has started working. I can send a printscreen with errors.

  1. As for the price of 7.57… Should I buy any extras?
    I will definitely want to buy “Marketplace”.
    Will “Marketplace” cooperate with “ListingHive”

Will purchasing “ListingHive” allow me to enter decimal prices? 7.57

  1. If I buy “RentalHive” in the future, is it compatible with “ListingHive”? Are these motifs interchangeable? Will I have to set everything up from scratch?

  2. Is it possible to receive “Marketplace” and “RentalHive” for 3-4 days for testing on the test site:
    site one

Then, if it’s good, I’ll buy it for the site:
site two

Sorry for the language. My English is poor.

Have a nice day

The plugins have not been tested with WordPress version WordPress 6.4.2

HivePress, HivePress Geolocation, Paid Listings:

Warning: The plugin has not been tested with the current version of WordPress you are using.

Will there be an update?


  1. Yes, you can buy the Marketplace extension.

  2. After disabling the ListingHive theme and enabling the RentalHive theme, only the design will change, all functionality will remain.

  3. Unfortunately, we do not have such a demo version for this extension.

As for the error from testing on the WordPress version, you can ignore it because everything works correctly.

One more question.

Now users have added their ads.
What will happen to you after installing MARKETPLACE?
Will the ads turn into a sales offer?
Will I have to create sales offers again in Woocomerce?
Will I have to create new categories, attributes for Wooccomerce?

Do you have an example of a website on which ListingHive + Marketplace is already working?

kind regards


After installing the Marketplace extension, you will be able to sell ads, as a price and a buy button will be added. You will also be able to add a commission, accept payments, and make payouts. For more detailed information, I recommend reviewing the documentation Marketplace - HivePress Help Center
Please note that the ListingHive theme provides only the design of the site, all the functionality is in the extensions, here you can see an example of the Marketplace on one of our themes Custom typography t-shirt & apparel printing design – TaskHive

I believe this will be useful to you.

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