I have done some debugging and I have found the problem to be in this code, more spesific, the image part.
function ($form) {
$form['fields']['title']['_moderated'] = true;
$form['fields']['description']['_moderated'] = true;
$form['fields']['images']['_moderated'] = true;
return $form;
The problem is that no matter what change I make to the listing, it thinks that the images was changed, so it will always require moderation with the “Listing “creating a website” www.inserturlhere.com has been updated with the following details: Pictures”
If I change nothing:
…has been updated with the following details: Pictures
If I change description:
…has been updated with the following details: Pictures, Description.
If I change title and description:
…has been updated with the following details: Pictures, Title, Description.
I need a clean way to require moderation for altering the listings picture, because somehow, the snippet posted with “images” line breaks it, requireing moderation no matter what
update The same problem occures when trying to make tags require moderation
$form['fields']['tags']['_moderated'] = true;
Btw. Found this post from october 22. Seemes to be a know issue, but hasn’t been fixed yet:
“… Yes, there’s a known issue with the attachment attributes marked as Moderated, they send listings to Pending status even without changes - we’ll try to fix this as soon as possible.”