Differentiate between host registration and renter


Est-il possible d’avoir à l’inscription sur le pop-up une case a cochez, je loue ou je propose mon bien ou un champ déroulant


Is it possible to have at the registration on the pop-up a box to tick, I rent or I offer my property or a drop-down field

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In HivePress the initial registration form is the same (with basic details), but then the role depends on the intended actions. For example, if user tries to add a listing, they’ll become a host automatically once the site admin approves this listing. So users stay regular customers until they try to submit the first listing, once it’s approved they get the host profile, extra profile fields (that you can add in Hosts/Attributes), extra account capabilities (orders, payouts, dashboard).

P.S. Please try using Google Translate for posting if there are any other issues, this would make searching questions/answers easier.

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thanks you very much

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