Direct registration of vendor question

Background :
I have removed the default wordpress login form, and am now using the hivepress login form on custom login page.

My site have enabled the direct registration of vendors feature.

When entering while not logged in, I am redirected to a login page I have no control over. The url is

I’m not sure where this page is created, but i guess it uses the page.php template. However, I would much rather use the custom page or even the user login modal.

Yes, this is the first step of vendor registration (a common basic registration form for users); if there are any required vendor attributes, the next step will be the Complete Profile one, it’s specific to vendors. The easiest way to customize this page is using Templates; please try adding a template for the User Login page Overview | HivePress Templates - YouTube

Makes sense. Thank you @yana

One last question. How can I target that page with php. is_page(‘xxx’); - where xxx is the post id that is shown when creating the template, is_page(‘hp-template–user-login-page’) or is_page_template(‘hp-template–user-login-page’) aint doing it. I’m not sure how it is “stored”.

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Please try using the template hook hivepress/v1/templates/user_login_page or add a custom template in HivePress/Templates to add the login page, these are the best practices. If you want to check this page via some redirect function please try this condition:

if(hivepress()->router->get_current_route_name()==='user_login_page') {

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