Disable or replace the default login form

Hi, Kindly let me know where is entire " Login Popup modal" I mean to say where is Signup popup form.

I want to customize it fully.

Kindly also let me know how to disabled: Login pop up modal

Hi! The user login, and register modal is generated by a shortcode (user_register_modal, user_login_modal) so if you want to customize by a css snippet, add this css from the front-end editor, into the “Additional CSS” field.
This first is the register modal, you can change the modal background color, and the text color.

#user_register_modal.hp-modal.fancybox-content {background-color: yellowgreen; color: blue;}

This second is, for the login modal.

#user_login_modal.hp-modal.fancybox-content {background-color: yellowgreen; color: blue;}

If you want a more customizable option, create a new page from the wordpress dashboard, Pages>Add new and edit. Add a title for it for ex.: “Register” and insert the HivePress register form, or the HivePress login form (via the + button on the top). With this option, you will get a standalone page for register, and/or login. After you published this page, go to Appearance>Menus select Primary menu (Header) and on the left side, you will find your newly created registration/login page. Grab it, and drop into the right side, or select the checkbox, and click to add.
To hide the entire HivePress login/register modal, you need a php snippet, or just hide the login button itself,by this CSS

.hp-menu__item.hp-menu__item--user-login.hp-link {display: none;}

Hi, Fab, Thanks for your message.

My queries are different, I need HivePress login/register modal php snippet because I want to disabled or hide it permanently. I don’t need them.

In the listing view page there is some plugin based visible block to logged out users. On click they triggered popup login modal. I don’t need them.

Kindly help me disabled login/register modal from site completely.

Removing the built-in login modal would require further customizations, because there are many links that open this modal. I recommend replacing it instead, if you’re familiar with code customizations please check this topic Change default login and signup form to Digit Plugin login Form

Sorry bro, its irrelevant, why i use other plugin. Can you help on my topic only.


I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand your request, please provide more details so that we can find out exactly what the issue is with the HivePress functionality. If you want to use a third-party form that you add using a third-party plugin, then it will require a custom implementation to override the HivePress form.