Does hivepress plugins work with Astra theme?

Hi champions
Please can you confirm does hivepress plugins work with Astra theme?
Is the hivepress theme awesome?
Is it easy to edit to an air BnB style platform?


I am not part of the HivePress support, but here is what I can say :

In the showcase section, you will find some websites implementing both Astra and HivePress. I don’t know which one, you’ll have to search in the source code of the page, and look for /themes/astra/.

However this may requires some custom implementation.
It’s probably easier to start with a native HivePress theme.


Yes, our extensions work with this theme. However, we recommend considering the RentalHive theme as it is perfect for the Airbnb niche: How to build a vacation rental website like Airbnb or - HivePress Help Center

​I hope this is helpful to you.

