Edit button text: List A Service / Post A Request

The Loco Translate plugin does not work to change the text of the List A Service or Post A Request buttons on homepage. The button text does not show in the translate plugin. So how to do it?

Also: How to remove the image option from Request form?



Regarding the buttons, please check this doc: How to change any static text - HivePress Help Center
As for the image field in the request form, please use this PHP snippet Hide the images field in the request form #hivepress #requests · GitHub

I believe this will be useful to you.

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Can you tell me which Loco Translate plugin is relevant to the buttons I mention on the homepage? Otherwise I need to guess and go through them all…

EDIT: I have gone through all the Loco Translate plugins, and still it is not there. Please provide a step-by-step instruction on changing those homepage buttons for Expert Hive theme.

Also, for hiding the image PHP snippet, I am not a coder, I do not know where to paste this code. Please provide more detail.



Regarding the list a service button, check this doc: How to translate ExpertHive - HivePress Help Center. For the post a request, you can find this text in Loco Translate > Plugins > HivePress Requests. Please use this doc if you need to add a custom snippet How to add custom code snippets - HivePress Help Center

OK I got it to work, kind of. But I had to choose the language: English (UK). I am in the UK.

But when I look at the site in incognito window, still the text has not changed. I want to permanently change the text for all users, in every country. Will this work?

Did you try to purge all your caches ?

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