Email Verification not working correctly

I have chosen the User Email Verification option from the Hives settings

When user registers, I do receive the email but it has no link to click to confirm verification.

Because of that on the login page, I cannot login

Current Wordpress is version 6, latest version of Wordpress on LAMP stack

If email verification is enabled there should be 2 emails for every new user (registration email and verification email). If the verification one is not sent please make sure that outgoing emails are set up How to set up emails - HivePress Help Center

If the second “Email Verification” email is not delivered please check if it’s overridden in HivePress/Emails. If not, then this email is filtered on the email service side (because of SMTP settings or suspicious keywords, this depends on the email service provider).

I retested and two emails came.

Although it is very confusing for customer. First email comes stating account is active and can start using. Whereas the second email comes stating verify email

So by any chance if someone misses the second email, he or she would keep trying


This is a known complaint, see previous post about it here in the community. The workaround is to customize the emails with your own words. Go to hivepress/emails to change it.

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