Enable time slots for specific categories

Hello, I use rentalhive: I have 3 categories and in one of the categories I want to use booking slots only for one category and for the others leave the classic calendar (arrival date and departure date) but when I activate time slot it activates it on all categories : thank you


Please go to the WP Dashboard > HivePress > Settings > Bookings section and select the “Time Categories”. These are the categories where time-based bookings will be enabled.


If you talk about this option I activated it but it activates for my 3 categories, while I would like that on 2 categories we keep the classic booking calendar (like Airbnb) and activate the time slop for the3rd category (sessions)

Please choose in “Le Temps de Catégories” the listing category where you want to activate time-based bookings. If you leave this field empty - the time-based bookings will be applied to all categories.

thanks you it’s ok

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