Error importing images


I am understanding more and more how to properly use your import extensions. However i have not been able to upload images so far. I have collected my images (png files) in Google drive, set the settings of the folder to share and created a collum with links to the images in my .csv file and mapped the collum

This is the total import file: Algemene theesoorten (meta data) - Google Sheets

And this is the folder with the images:

On all images i get an error message saying:

Error uploading “Lady Earl Grey.png - Google Drive” file for “Afbeeldingen”: Only JPG, JPEG, PNG files are allowed.

I am using png files, so i reckon this can not be the issue, what am i missing?

All the best,


Update: I am trying to find the bug. I just converted the image to a jpg and tried again. The error message is exactly the same


Please note that you need to specify the URL of the image itself, for example, image.png, then everything should work correctly.

Hi Andrii,

I am using Google Drive, the links are not editable in Google drive. Do you have any tips on how to edit the links in the drive folder? Or do you have another method?

All the best,



As far as we know, Google Drive does not have the ability to provide direct links, but we found the following tutorial, which may help you: How to Get Image URLs from Google Drive
Also, as a workaround, try uploading images to another storage or to the site’s server.

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