Hi there,
When logged-in user clicks on “Select Package” to get a free package, they are redirected to Home page.
Where can I set the redirect page for fee packages that do not go through the woocommerce checkout?
Kind regards,
Hi there,
When logged-in user clicks on “Select Package” to get a free package, they are redirected to Home page.
Where can I set the redirect page for fee packages that do not go through the woocommerce checkout?
Kind regards,
Please make sure that this package has a title, then the redirect should go to the Account > Packages page on the frontend,
I hope this is helpful to you.
Thanks Andrii,
Package does have a title:
More details on when the issue gets triggered:
I have enabled “Allow multiple free packages” option.
Kind regards,
Please send temporary WP access to support@hivepress.io with details for reproducing this issue, and we’ll check it (please send only the link, without login and password). You can create a temporary access link using this plugin Temporary Login Without Password – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org.