Getting blank page after inserting snippet per directions from eNom

I am getting blank page after inserting snippet per directions from eNom.

I am not getting any error messages, just a blank page. Header and footer are intact. I am using WP with HivePress plugin with ListingHive theme and ExpertHive theme. I have several other plugins including WooComerce. I have tried switching back and forth between themes with same results, blank page.

Should I be using a widget for inserting?

Here are the instructions per eNom:

Widget Code
Grab the snippet
Paste the following between the BODY tags within your website code. We recommend creating a new container page for the snippet. The URL of this page should be what you set for the Return URL in your Settings.

Call the API Command
In your website code, prior to the snippet, you need to call the Portal_GetToken API command and replace the {token} placeholder within the snippet. Call this API command and generate a new token with every session.
Paste Behind Login
The widget requires that the user is logged in. The container page for the snippet needs to be behind login. It should include your standard header and footer and contain nothing else in the content area.

I start by creating blank page that is password protected.

I believe I have the proper code, with token, See below;

Here is widget code before adding token;

However, when updating the page after inserting the code (using WordPress code editor) the
is automatically added and I cant seem to delete it as it is automatically inserted during each update.

I get and insert the API generated Portal_GetToken (as per eNom directions).

I am still not sure if I am doing something wrong or if it is caused by WP, plugins or themes.

eNom offers no help with WP and says the code looks good, but I haven’t asked them about the
being added each time.

Thank you in advance for any help.

Seems like the code I tried to show here is taken out of the post?


Unfortunately, we cannot ensure 100% compatibility with third-party plugins, but you can post your code here (by formatting it), and we will try to resolve this issue.

Here is the script in a screenshot:

Seems like a common JS script, it should be ok but you can try removing “br” tag. Maybe the script causes the issue, e.g. replaces the whole page container instead of specific part of the page content?

Every time I take out “br” it is automatically replaced in the update. I have made serval attempts to remove it with no luck.

Please try removing all the line breaks in the editor itself, then WordPress shouldn’t add “br” tags automatically.

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