Google maps showing "This page can't load Google Maps correctly."

I have uploaded the google maps API and enabled all three APIs mentioned in the doc. still showing “This page can’t load Google Maps correctly”. How do I fix it?
also i have enabled/disabled the regions too

  1. Check API Key: Ensure it’s correctly added in HivePress > Settings > Integrations.

  2. Enable APIs: In Google Cloud Console, enable:

Maps JavaScript API

Geocoding API

Places API

Check it :point_down:
How to get a Google Maps API key - HivePress Help Center

i have enabled all three APIs and entered the key here, is there something I am missing?


Most likely, you have not fully configured Google Maps, please check all the steps again step by step. You may not have enabled all the necessary APIs or added billing information. For more details, I recommend that you read the Google Maps documentation.

​Please ensure you set up Google Maps correctly; you can refer to this doc: How to get a Google Maps API key - HivePress Help Center.

​Also, if you cannot set up Google Maps, we recommend using MapBox; it is easier to set up; you can check out this document to set it up: How to get a Mapbox API key - HivePress Help Center.


I am getting the same error in the search field, as well as the Locations field on the add listings and add vendor forms.

I’m pretty sure I setup the API correctly, added/enabled my billing info, etc. as the map is showing up properly in the listing home and page views. When I click on the blue cluster of pins, it zooms into those listings. Then when I click on a red pin, it shows the title of the listing (screenshot below) and I can click on that and it goes to the listing page.

I assume if all this is working properly, then I have setup the Google Maps correctly. If so, why am I still getting this error?

OK, I figured it out. I was using the Places API (new) instead of the Places API. Working properly now.

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