Google Oauth doesnt work

I connected google oauth, passed verification, entered the received key in the google id client field in the hivepress settings, but when logging in, after selecting a google account, the window just closes and nothing happens. The following error is shown in the console - Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy policy would block the window.closed call.
Can you tell me how to solve it?


Please disable third-party plugins and customizations (if there are any) and check if this issue persists. If you use a caching plugin, ensure that caching is disabled for logged-in users. Also, if the issue persists after the previous recommendations, I recommend contacting the hosting provider, as it may be an issue on their end.

​I hope this is helpful to you.

P.S. If you purchased a theme or extension, please enter the license key in the forum profile settings, this will enable the Premium Support badge and ensure a 24-hour turnaround time.

A clean site with solely the theme and plugins from hivepress. The error in the console says it’s a security policy issue, but I haven’t found any information about it (related to solving the specific problem).


Please provide more details on which extension you are using, and we will try to help.

Hi, im using ListingHive theme, Client id is specified, authentication methods are google specified. The oauth verification is passed in Google.
When trying to authenticate via google, after selecting google account, the window just closes, and in the developer console I get the following message - Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy policy would block the window.closed call, which speaks to privacy policy issues. I’d be happy to help, thank you.

The solution to the policy conflict error is to add the appropriate rule to .htaccess (if you have apache), similarly with other servers.

But it was followed by the next problem - “You have created a new client application that uses libraries to authenticate or authorize users that are deprecated. New clients must use the new libraries.” See the Migration Guide for more information.".
The solution to which appears to be a switch to the new Google Identity Services authorization library


Please provide more details on which extension you use Social Login or Authentication. If Authentication, then this extension is no longer supported, you need to use Social Login - Allow users to sign in via third-party platforms | HivePress Extensions

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