Hide "Add a listing" button from a membership on a non-English website


I was reflecting the solution from the link below to my website, and I was wondering how I can have a non-English text (Japanese, in my case) to show up in replace of “Membership1” and also keep the “Add a listing” button hidden to this membership?

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If you want to change the membership plan title then please try to edit this plan in Memberships/Plans

Please try to use the code snippet from the mentioned topic and please just replace your_membership_plan_id with the id of the plan which hides Add a Listing button

Hello Yevhen,

I have edited the membership plan title

and this would appear as below

but I can’t reflect this text to the code snippet

Is there any way to work around like using Loco Translate or something?

Please try to get the id of the membership plan instead of the title of the membership plan on your screenshot and put this id in the code snippet. Please open Memberships/Plans and please try to edit one of the membership plan. You’ll see the membership plan ID in the browser’s address bar where the membership plan ID is the number between ?post= and &action

Thanks, Yevhen! This solution worked.

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