Hide button if reviewer isn't buyer

We are currently implementing the Review functions, which work quite well; however, we want to limit the review only if both parties have an order.

We get an error once we try to submit a review and we are not a buyer, but how can we check if this is true, so we can hide the button in this case or display a different message.

here is our current implementation:

																<div class="d-flex flex-sm-row flex-column align-items-sm-center align-items-stretch justify-content-between">

																	$args = array(
																		'fields' => array(
																			'listing' => array(
																				'display_type' => 'hidden',
																				'value' => $listing->get_id(),
																			'text' => array(
																				'attributes' => array(
																					'rows' => 5,
																		'button' => array(
																			'label' => esc_html__('Leistung bewerten', 'finder'),
																			'attributes' => array(
																				'class' => array('btn btn-primary d-block w-100 mb-4 mt-4'),

																	$listing_review = new Review_Submit($args);

																	$modal_id_reference = 'user_login_modal';
																	if (is_user_logged_in()) {
																		$modal_id_reference = 'review_submit';

																	$modal_content_class = ('car-finder' === $post_style) ? ' bg-dark border-light' : '';
																	$modal_title_class = ('car-finder' === $post_style) ? ' text-light' : '';
																	<div class="modal fade listing-single-review-form<?php echo esc_attr('car-finder' === $post_style ? ' finder-form-dark' : ''); ?>" id="review_submit" tabindex="-1" aria-modal="true" role="dialog">
																		<div class="modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" role="document">
																			<div class="modal-content<?php echo esc_attr($modal_content_class); ?>">
																				<div class="modal-header d-block position-relative border-0 pb-0 px-sm-5 px-4">
																					<h3 class="modal-title mt-4 text-center<?php echo esc_attr($modal_title_class); ?>"><?php esc_html_e('Diese Leistung bewerten', 'finder'); ?></h3>
																					<button class="btn-close position-absolute top-0 end-0 mt-3 me-3<?php echo esc_attr('car-finder' === $post_style ? ' btn-close-white' : ''); ?>" type="button" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="<?php esc_attr_e('Close', 'finder'); ?>"></button>
																				<div class="modal-body px-sm-5 px-4">
																					<?php echo apply_filters('finder_listing_review_form_output', $listing_review->render()); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped ?>
																	$button_class = ('city-guide' === $post_style) ? ' btn btn-outline-primary rounded-pill' : ' btn btn-outline-primary';
																	$button_class = ('car-finder' === $post_style) ? ' btn btn-primary' : $button_class;
																	$author_class = ('car-finder' === $post_style) ? ' text-light' : '';
																	$review_border_class = ('car-finder' === $post_style) ? ' border-light' : '';
																	$review_date_class = ('car-finder' === $post_style) ? ' text-light opacity-50' : ' text-muted';
																	<a class="mb-sm-0 mb-3<?php echo esc_attr($button_class); ?>" href="#<?php echo esc_attr($modal_id_reference); ?>" data-bs-toggle="modal" style="z-index: 1">
																		<i class="fi-edit me-1"></i>
																		<?php esc_html_e('Diese Leistung bewerten', 'finder'); ?>

Any update on this? Thanks.

Please try to enable the Restrict reviews to buyers setting in HivePress/Settings/Orders

Hey yevhen,

the option is enabled already; however, we can still submit reviews nonetheless.

What we find also strange is that sometimes when we submit a review the review count doesn’t get updated (but the new review shows up) and sometimes the total review count of a vendor also doesn’t get updated.

Is this known?


An update would be appreciated…

I’m sorry for the delay. There’s a known bug related to the option mentioned above, if possible wait for the Marketplace update. If it’s urgent, you can implement this restriction with a custom code snippet, but this requires customizations. Please check how the existing order is checked in the validate_review function in hivepress-marketplace/includes/components/class-marketplace.php

Hope this helps.

Thanks a lot for the reply. Is there an ETA for the marketplace update?


Unfortunately, there is no exact timeframe, but we’ll fix this feature as soon as possible.

Alright, your quick-fix (switching back from HPOS) fixed the issues for us.


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