Hide 'buy now' button

is there a snippet i can use to hide the ‘buy now’ button on the single listing page?

I want sellers to be able to manually accept a request, like in the Booking feature, but i don’t want any of the other features that come with the Booking feature.

I was thinking of hiding the ‘buy now’ button and providing sellers with a link to checkout as a temporary work-around

Yes, please try using this CSS snippet:

.hp-form--listing-buy {display:none!important}

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worked perfectly!
Also - thank you for the Premium Support help, I wasn’t aware of this step and have added it! take care, thank you for your help

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Where and how can I perform this action with the option to choose?

If the seller does not enter the price, will the “Buy Now” button not appear?
What about the price that is in the ad, will it be visible?

Yes, if the price is not set the Buy Now button will not appear, but the Price field is required by default if you use the Marketplace extension so it’s not possible to leave it empty for new or updated listings.

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