Hide Service Fee from vendors

I came across the following page https://community.hivepress.io/t/hide-service-fee-from-vendors/5230, with a person who asked to hide the service fee from the seller section, and no solution had not been brought. I think I found one, so I’ll post it if it helps other people.

To integrate into the footer.php before :

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
        // Vérifier si l'URL commence par la chaîne spécifiée
        if (window.location.href.indexOf("https://www.yourwebsite.fr/account/vendor/orders/") === 0) {
            // Appliquer le script uniquement pour les pages correspondantes
            $('tr:contains("Service Fee")').hide();

Obviously replace yourwebsite with yours



Thank you for your solution, it will be useful for our community.

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